Unattended MSI Builds using ANT |
This example invokes the MM Batch File however you could also invoke the correct PPWIZARD command directly (see the debug file in the "out" directory):
<target name="makeMSI"> <echo message="Building Windows Installer..." /> <!-- Put your installation directory and project directories here --> <property name="msi.source.dir" value="c:\Projects\MyProject" /> <property name="makemsi.dir" value="c:\Program Files\MakeMSI" /> <property name="targetMM" value="myproject.MM" /> <echo message="MakeMSI at ${makemsi.dir}\mm.cmd" /> <exec executable="cmd" dir="${msi.source.dir}" failifexecutionfails="true" > <arg value="/c"/> <arg value="${makemsi.dir}\mm.cmd" /> <arg value="${targetMM}"/> </exec> </target>