\MAKEMSI Installs...Samples Installed by MAKEMSISamples - Build New MSI/MSMTryMeDutch.MM
This is one of the MAKEMSI samples which build a new MSI,
it "localizes" the english text to
create a dutch language based installer.
As there are a number of files involved I have installed them into the
"Localisation to Dutch" subdirectory.
Thanks to CF vd Berg for this example.
It has these associated files:
- "TryMeDutch.ver" is a dutch version of "TryMe.ver".
- "TryMeDutch.rtf" is a dutch version of "TryMe.rtf".
- "ME_Dutch.mmh" is a dutch version of "ME.MMH".
- "ReadMe_Dutch.TXT", not part of the build but explains the process.
- The "NLD" subdirectory contains the dutch versions of msi table
text in ".idt" format
(these are imported with the "TableImportFromIdt" command)..
; $Author: USER "Dennis" $ (original by CF vd Berg)
; $Revision: 1.0 $
; $Date: 26 May 2007 13:58:22 $
; $Logfile: C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/TryMeDutch.MM.pvcs $
; ~~~~~~~~~~~
; This is an example that localizes TryMe.MM for the Dutch language.
; The big effort is of course to translate all the strings in the MSI.
; I recommend that you keep translations to MAKEMSI generated text separate
; from others to ensure easy migration to newer versions.
; Set the Dutch language strings and a few other adjustments
;--- Define a macro with this specific reserved title: it is automatically called
;--- as soon as everything else is done in uisample.mmh, meaning MAKEMSI will
;--- not overwrite anything we do here.
;--- It has to be defined in the code before the inclusion of the MakeMSI files
;--- (here: #include "ME.MMH"), otherwise you'll get a warning that it was defined already.
;--- Set the allowed languages for the MSI
;--- The value of ProductLanguage in Property.NLD must be listed in the Value parameter.
;--- Values set are: 0 - language neutral, 1033 - english, 1043 - Dutch.
;--- Several other language identifiers are listed in the file LanguageIdentifiers.txt.
<$Summary "TEMPLATE" Value="Intel;0,1033,1043">
;--- Set the CodePage to allow special (language-specific) characters in the dialogs
;--- CodePage 1252 is the default, so in this case it doesn't need to be set,
;--- but it is added here in case you need a different character set.
<$CodePage "1252">
;--- Direct='N' is necessary to not throw away the previous entries in the table,
;--- and only overwrite those needed. (It apparently is slower, though.)
<$TableImportFromIdt "NLD\MS SDK\*.NLD" DIRECT="N">
<$TableImportFromIdt "NLD\Mine\*.NLD" DIRECT="N">
;--- adjust the height of the Text field in the Verify Ready dialog, since with
;--- the original size, only 2 lines will fit, and our Dutch text needs 3.
#ifndef UISAMPLE_NEWSIZE_VerifyReadyDlg.Text
;--- Must be pre MAKEMSI v07.118 (newer versions already do this) ---
<$Table "Control">
@Where="Dialog_ = 'VerifyReadyDlg' AND Control = 'Text'"
Height="160" ;;Previous value = 20
; Set the Title and Description of the 'Main' Feature: the 'root' of the feature tree in the Custom Install window.
#define COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_DESCRIPTION De complete software van het pakket
; Below here is the relatively unchanged code of the TryMe.MM example
;--- Include MAKEMSI support (with my dutch customisations and MSI branding) ---
#include "ME_Dutch.MMH" ;;My variation of "ME.MMH" (all of the above could go into this header)
;--- Define default location where file should install and add files --------
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="c:\program files\TryMe (makemsi sample)\<$MAKEMSI_MM_BASENAME>" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y">
<$Files "TryMe*.*" DestDir="INSTALLDIR">
; $Author: USER "Dennis" $
; $Revision: 1.2 $
; $Date: 04 Jun 2007 17:40:56 $
; $Logfile: C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/TryMeDutch.ver.pvcs $
; DESCRIPTION: Simple sample/test MSI using the Dutch language.
; ProductName = TryMe Dutch (simpel MAKEMSI test MSI)
; DESCRIPTION = Een eenvoudige test voor een Nederlandse versie van TryMe.MM
; Licence = TryMeDutch.rtf
; Installed = WINDOWS_ALL
; MsiName = TryMe_Dutch
; Guid.UpgradeCode = {7EF333CB-3BB9-457D-831E-8482E50F2997}
VERSION : 3.076.0001
DATE : 24 May 2007
CHANGES : De eerste Nederlandse versie van TryMe
VERSION : 3.074.0000
DATE : 25 Feb 2003
CHANGES : First cut.
; $Author: USER "Dennis" $
; $Revision: 1.1 $
; $Date: 06 Aug 2017 08:29:24 $
; $Logfile: D:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/ME_Dutch.mmh.pvcs $
; Very simplistic example of a MAKEMSI customisation/branding file, see
; "DENNIS.MMH" for a more complex variation (please don't use it though...).
; Adapted for the Dutch Language: DEPT_ en COMPANY_ defines and UISAMPLE_LEFTSIDE_TEXT.
;--- Set up some options specific to my requirements ------------------------
#define? DEPT_ARP_URL_PUBLISHER http://www.MyUrl.com/See/ME_Dutch.MMH/
#define? DEPT_ARP_URL_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT http://www.MyUrl.com/See/ME_Dutch.MMH/Support
#define? DEPT_NAME Mijn Naam
#define? DEPT_ADDRESS Mijn Adres (zie "ME.MMH")
;--- Override/set some standard defaults ------------------------------------
#define? DBG_ALL Y ;;Add MAKEMSI debugging to "console file"
#define? DEFAULT_SERVICE_CONTROL_UNINSTALL_EVENTS ;;I think this option is safer than the MAKEMSI default
#define? DEFAULT_SERVICE_CONTROL_INSTALL_EVENTS ;;I think this option is better
#define? DEFAULT_FILE_WANT_FILEHASH Y ;;My box can generate MD5 hashes!
#define? COMPANY_PREPROCESS_LICENCE_FILE Y ;;Default is to preprocess licence files
#define? MAKEMSI_HTML_EXTENSION hta ;;Default extension (HTML Application - gets around WINXP SP2 issue)
#define? UISAMPLE_LEFTSIDE_TEXT_FONT_COLOR &H7F0000 ;;Medium Blue in BGR (believe it or not...)
Ontwikkeld door <$DEPT_NAME> - <$DEPT_ADDRESS>.
Hier kan je van alles neerzetten en vervangen met eigen plaatjes etc.
Deze tekst is gedefinieerd in "ME_Dutch.MMH"!
#define? @VALIDATE_TEXT_FOR_MISSINGDATA ;;Example only as now duplicates exact text as new default value
This column is not mentioned in the _Validation table.
Either add the validation data or use the "@validate" parameter
on the "row" command (or alter its default).
;--- Include MAKEMSI support ------------------------------------------------
#include "DEPT.MMH"
;--- I want to compress any DLL based custom actions generated by MAKEMSI ---
<$GetFullBuildTimeFileName RcVar="@@FullUpxExeName" Macro="DENNIS_UPX.EXE" File="upx.exe" MustExist="N">
#if [@@FullUpxExeName = '']
;--- If UPX.EXE doesn't exist report an error ---------------------------
;#error "DLL not being compressed (UPX.EXE not found)" ;;This is also a sample, can't expect users to have "UPX.EXE"...
#info "DLL custom action code will not be compressed (UPX.EXE not found)"
;--- "UPX.EXE" was found ------------------------------------------------
;--- Define the macro that MAKEMSI will use as required -------------
#define+ DLLCA-C_COMPRESS_DLL_COMMAND_LINE ;;Need to OVERRIDE value (we couldn't do it earler or "GetFullBuildTimeFileName" wouldn't exist!)
;--- I expect "upx.exe" to be in the "PATH" environment variable ----
"<??@@FullUpxExeName>" ;;Full name of UPX.EXE (get from "http://upx.sourceforge.net/")
;--- I want highest compression -------------------------------------
;--- Backup the DLL as a debugging aid... ---------------------------
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs18 Dit is een nederlandse versie van de licentie-overeenkomst.\par
Zie verder de engelse TryMe.rtf.\cf1\fs16\par