MAKEMSI Installs...
Samples Installed by MAKEMSI
Samples - Build New MSI/MSM
This is one of the MAKEMSI samples which build a new MSI/MSM.
This MSI makes use of these "TryMe.MM" files:
- TryMe.ver
- TryMe.rtf
This sample shows how you can create dialogs where the flow is based
on conditions as the "Dialog"
command creates unconditional links between dialogs.
; MODULE NAME: TryMeConditionDialogs.MM
; $Author: USER "Dennis" $
; $Revision: 1.2 $
; $Date: 05 Nov 2008 17:29:24 $
; $Logfile: C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/TryMeConditionDialogs.MM.pvcs $
; ~~~~~~~~~~~
; Unlike the "TryMeWithUserDialog.MM" example, this sample is only
; demonstrating conditional display of dialogs and implements this flow:
; +---[ DialogB1 ]---+
; +<<<<<< Back |
; | +>>| Next >>>>>+
; | | +------------------+ |
; +--[ Licence ]--+ +---[ DialogA ]----+ | | | +--[ Setup ]--+
; | |<<<<<< Back |<<+ | | | |
; | | | | | +<<<<< Back |
; | Next >>>>>>| Next >>>>>>+ | | |
; | | | |<<+ | | | |
; +---------------+ +------------------+ | | | +-------------+
; | +>>+---[ DialogB2 ]---+ |
; | | Next >>>>>+
; +<<<<<< Back |
; +------------------+
; As you can see from the above we want to insert 2 new dialogs, the first
; dialog (DialogA) is always displayed and then we wish to follow that with
; either "DialogB1" or "DialogB2".
; This example aims to be generic and so it is more complex than any specific
; solution needs to be. For example it handles conditional forwards dialog
; transition although the default msi wizard doesn't use it. I could have hard
; coded the logic for the transition from "DialogA" to "DialogB" but decided
; to keep it generic and demonstrate how the existing values of the "Condition"
; and "Ordering" columns could be read and manipulated.
;--- Override some MAKEMSI options ------------------------------------------
#define VER_FILENAME.VER TryMe.Ver ;;I only want one VER file for all samples!
#define UISAMPLE_DIALOGS_ID_IN_TITLE.D Y ;;In developer mode add dialogs ID to the titlebar
;--- Include MAKEMSI support (with my customisations and MSI branding) ------
#include "ME.MMH"
;--- Create INSTALLDIR ------------------------------------------------------
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="c:\program files\TryMe (makemsi sample)\<$MAKEMSI_MM_BASENAME>" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y">
;--- Insert after which dialog? (I never have a "UserRegistrationDlg") ------
#ifdef REMOVED_LicenseAgreementDlg ;;Only exists if the dialog has been removed...
#define InsertAfter WelcomeDlg
#define InsertAfter LicenseAgreementDlg
#define InsertBefore SetupTypeDlg
;--- The first dialog the user will see is UNCONDITIONAL, will decide 2nd user sees ---
<$Dialog "DialogA - UNCONDITIONAL" INSERT="<$InsertAfter>-<$InsertBefore>" Dialog="DialogA">
<$Property "SOME" Value="1">
<$DialogEntry Property="SOME" Label="&Show Dlg 1 or 2:" ToolTip="1=Dialog B1, anything else Dialog B2" Max=10 Width=200>
;--- The 2nd dialog the user will see is CONDITIONAL (based on "SOME" property's value ---
<$Dialog "DialogB1 - CONDITIONAL, got here because SOME = 1" INSERT="!DialogA-<$InsertBefore>" Dialog="DialogB1">
<$Dialog "DialogB2 - CONDITIONAL, got here because SOME <> 1" INSERT="!DialogA-<$InsertBefore>" Dialog="DialogB2">
;--- Now set up the conditional transitions ---------------------------------
#define COND_USE_DIALOG_B2 not (<$COND_USE_DIALOG_B1>) ;;Used "not" to be 100% sure conditions are mutually exclusive
<$Table "ControlEvent">
;--- Correct "Back" Link (on next dialog) first as easiest (will be unconditional) ---
<$RowsDelete WHERE="`Dialog_` = '<$InsertBefore>' AND `Control_` = 'Back' AND `Event` = 'NewDialog'">
<$Row Dialog_="<$InsertBefore>" Control_="Back" Event="NewDialog"
<$Row Dialog_="<$InsertBefore>" Control_="Back" Event="NewDialog"
;--- Correct Next Link (on previous dialog, may have condition!) --------------------------
dim CurrentNextDialogCondition : CurrentNextDialogCondition = ""
dim CurrentNextDialogOrdering : CurrentNextDialogOrdering = ""
<$Row @Where="`Dialog_` = 'DialogA' AND `Control_` = 'Next' AND `Event` = 'NewDialog'" @OK=^? > 0^ @Code="Y">
;--- Pick up the current values ------------------------------------
CurrentNextDialogOrdering = <$COLINT.ControlEvent.Ordering>
CurrentNextDialogCondition = <$COLSTR.ControlEvent.Condition>
;--- If we picked up a condition, display+log it -------------------
if CurrentNextDialogCondition <> "" and CurrentNextDialogCondition <> "1" then
;--- Wasn't unconditional (need to include as part of OUR condition! ---
say "DIALOG '" & <$COLSTR.ControlEvent.Dialog_> & "' had condition : " & CurrentNextDialogCondition
end if
if CurrentNextDialogCondition = "" then
CurrentNextDialogCondition = "1" ;;Unconditional
end if
if CurrentNextDialogOrdering = "" then
CurrentNextDialogOrdering = 9999 ;;Should be big enough...
end if
<$RowsDelete WHERE="`Dialog_` = 'DialogA' AND `Control_` = 'Next' AND `Event` = 'NewDialog'">
dim NextCondition
NextCondition = "<$COND_USE_DIALOG_B1 $$DQX2>" 'Need to double up quotes to produce valid VBS literal
if CurrentNextDialogCondition <> "1" then
NextCondition = "(" & CurrentNextDialogCondition & ") and (" & NextCondition & ")"
end if
<$Row Dialog_="DialogA" Control_="Next" Event="NewDialog"
NextCondition = "<$COND_USE_DIALOG_B2 $$DQX2>" 'Need to double up quotes to produce valid VBS literal
if CurrentNextDialogCondition <> "1" then
NextCondition = "(" & CurrentNextDialogCondition & ") and (" & NextCondition & ")"
end if
<$Row Dialog_="DialogA" Control_="Next" Event="NewDialog"