MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Tips and Tricks->File and Directory->Share Creation

Share Creation

The following shows how you can create a directory tree and share it. Note that Windows 2003 has a /GRANT parameter to assign privledges to the share, for other operating systems or for complex requirements you can use an external program (such as "SetACL.exe" - demonstrated below).


Note that share creation can be problematic if clients are accessing it, for this reason I tend to leave the share alone on uninstall (but you may not be able to do this).

;--- Create directories and set required access -----------------------------
<$Component "CreateShare" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR" LM="Y">
   ;--- Create share directories --------------------------------------------
   <$DirectoryTree Key="SHARE_ROOT_DIR" Dir="C:\DATA\SomeDir"          MAKE="Y">
   <$DirectoryTree Key="SHARE_SUBDIR1"  Dir="[SHARE_ROOT_DIR]\SubDir1" MAKE="Y">
   <$DirectoryTree Key="SHARE_SUBDIR2"  Dir="[SHARE_ROOT_DIR]\SubDir2" MAKE="Y">

   ;--- Create appropriate permissions --------------------------------------
   <$TABLE "LockPermissions">
       ;--- Do everything for these "groups" --------------------------------
       #define ForTheseUsers  Users Administrators

       ;--- Define the changes ----------------------------------------------
       #{  SET ^@@Group={ }<$ForTheseUsers>^
           ;--- Need full access to the share -------------------------------
                       Domain="" User="<??SET_@@Group>"

;--- Create a custom action to create/delete share --------------------------
#data "CaDataShare"
<$VbsCa Binary="Share.vbs" DATA=^CaDataShare^>
   ;--- INSTALL -------------------------------------------------------------
   <$VbsCaEntry "CreateShare">
       NetCmd("""MyShare={dir}"" /UNLIMITED /REMARK:""Short Comment (<$ProdInfo.ProductName>)""")

   ;--- UNINSTALL -------------------------------------------------------------
   <$VbsCaEntry "RemoveShare">
       NetCmd("MyShare /delete")

   sub NetCmd(Parameters)
       ;--- Get the share directory name ------------------------------------
       dim ShareDir : ShareDir = VbsCaCadGet("SHARE_ROOT_DIR")
       if  right(ShareDir, 1) = "\" then
           ShareDir = left(ShareDir, len(ShareDir)-1)
       end if

       ;--- Ignore the return code ------------------------------------------
       VbsCaRunSync "net share " & replace(Parameters, "{dir}", ShareDir), 0, ""
   end sub

;--- Shedule the above custom action ----------------------------------------
<$VbsCaSetup Binary="Share.vbs" Entry="CreateShare" Seq="StartServices-" Condition=^<$CONDITION_EXCEPT_UNINSTALL>^ DATA=^CaDataShare^ Key="ShareCreate">
<$VbsCaSetup Binary="Share.vbs" Entry="RemoveShare" Seq="StartServices-" Condition=^<$CONDITION_UNINSTALL_ONLY>^   DATA=^CaDataShare^ Key="ShareDelete">


#define SHARE_DIR           TheSharesName
#define SHARE_DIR_USER      UserIdWHichIsGivenSpecificAccess
<$Access "ACCESS_SHARE_DIR" Users="Administrators <$SHARE_DIR_USER> SYSTEM"  Access="GENERIC_ALL">
#data "CaData"
<$Component "SetACL.exe" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR">
    <$File Source="SetACL.exe"  Comment=^Used to set security on the created share.^ KeyPath="Y">
<$VbsCa Binary="CreateShare.vbs" DATA=^CaData^>
   ;--- INSTALL -------------------------------------------------------------
   <$VbsCaEntry "DuringInstall">
        ;--- Init -----------------------------------------------------------
        CaDebug 1, "Creating the share"
        dim SetAclExe : SetAclExe = VbsCaCadGetValidate("SETACL.EXE", "FILE")
        dim ShareDir  : ShareDir  = VbsCaCadGetValidate("SHARE_DIR",  "DIR")
        if  right(ShareDir, 1) = "\" then
            ShareDir = left(ShareDir, len(ShareDir)-1)
        end if

        ;--- Create the share (/GRANT is WIN2003+) --------------------------
        dim NetCmd
       'NetCmd   = "net share <$SHARE_DIR_SHARE>=" & ShareDir & " /UNLIMITED /GRANT:<$SHARE_DIR_USER>,FULL /REMARK:""A comment"""
        NetCmd   = "net share <$SHARE_DIR_SHARE>=" & ShareDir & " /UNLIMITED /REMARK:""A comment"""
        VbsCaRunSync NetCmd, 0, ""

        ;--- Grant permissions to the share ---------------------------------
        dim SetAclCmd
        SetAclCmd = """" & SetAclExe & """ -on ""\\.\<$SHARE_DIR_SHARE>"" -ot shr -actn ace -ace ""n:<$SHARE_DIR_SHARE>;p:full"" -ace ""n:Administrators;p:full"""
        VbsCaRunSync SetAclCmd, 0, ""
<$VbsCaSetup Binary="CreateShare.vbs" Entry="DuringInstall" Seq="DuplicateFiles-" Condition=^<$CONDITION_EXCEPT_UNINSTALL>^ DATA=^CaData^>

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.