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\->Source Code->Commands->Schedule

The "Schedule" Command

This command is not related to the scheduling of custom actions but is used to begin the specification of a task schedule which ends with the /Schedule command. Between these two commands is most of the "JT.EXE" or "SCHTASKS.EXE" command line used to create a schedule.

See the appropriate commands documentation for more information but don't use any switches that set the schedules name as this is done by this command!

Near the end of the MSI build a single custom action script is generated which contains the install and uninstall code for all specified schedules (although each task schedule is scheduled separately in the MSI).

See the "Schedule Tips" section for more information including problem solving.

Also have a look at "TryMeTemplate-SimpleSchedule.MM" for an example of creating a simple single schedule msi.

This command takes these parameters:

The command line is passed through the "VbsCaCadReplace()" function to replace any symbols you may have passed in #data structures. MSI formatting does not take place.

By default the symbol name's start is marked by "(*" and end with "*)". The symbol is case sensitive and must have been supplied in #data specified with the "DATA" parameter.

Windows does not have any decent command line processing so it can be difficult to enter command lines etc that require double quotes (I have certainly had this issue with "JT.EXE"), for this reason it is probably not a bad idea to keep things simple and either use 8.3 filenames and/or execute a batch file which does all the work (the batch file contains all the tricky quoting or other manipulations). I recommend the output be $LinkTo ID=^Logging Whole Batch File Execution^ Text="redirected/logged"> as a debugging aid.

Main Schedule Related Options

Please see the "options for commands" section of the manual.

#define? SCHEDULE_JT_USE_TMPFILE_TO_SHORTEN_CMDLINE_INSTALL N                                             ;;Use "@ file" mechanism for JT.EXE installs? (shortens command line - Good for WinNT)
#define? SCHEDULE_JT_DEBUG_SWITCHES_INSTALL                 /PJ                                           ;;Dump schedule with triggers so it appears in the logs
#define? SCHEDULE_BINARY_KEY                                Installs_<??@@ScheduleCnt>_Schedules          ;;Name of the Binary table entry holding the schedule VBS
#define? SCHEDULE_INSTALL_SEQ                               StartServices-RegisterUser                    ;;After files installed!
#define? SCHEDULE_UNINSTALL_SEQ                             ProcessComponents-RemoveDuplicateFiles        ;;Before files removed!
#define? SCHEDULE_INSTALL_MIN_CONDITION                     VersionNT and (<$CONDITION_EXCEPT_UNINSTALL>) ;;Use "1" to disable, this PLUS any condition your supply must be met
#define? SCHEDULE_UNINSTALL_MIN_CONDITION                   VersionNT and (<$CONDITION_UNINSTALL_ONLY>)   ;;Use "1" to disable, this PLUS any condition your supply must be met
#define? SCHEDULE_CAD_SYMBOL_START                          (*                                            ;;(*CadSymbolName*) - Start
#define? SCHEDULE_CAD_SYMBOL_END                            *)                                            ;;(*CadSymbolName*) - End
#define? SCHEDULE_CREATION_IS_CRITICAL                      Y                                             ;;Schedule creation command must succeed for install to succeed? You'd generally leave this value alone...


Note that "%COMSPEC%" environment variable reference in the following example is expanded by the target boxes command process when the scheduling tool is executed.

;--- Create INSTALLDIR ------------------------------------------------------
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="c:\program files\TryMe (makemsi sample)\<$MAKEMSI_MM_BASENAME>" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y">

;--- Our schedules will be created by JT.EXE (so unless already on box we must install it!) ---
<$Files "jt.exe" DestDir="INSTALLDIR">

;--- Any information that can't be hard coded (install directory etc) must be passed to the schedule script ---
   "INSTALLDIR"          "[INSTALLDIR]"              ;;Want to know the installation directory
   "Schedule1Comment"    "Runs simple CMD.EXE task"  ;;Comment for schedule #1/2
   "Schedule2Comment"    "Runs VBS (logs progress)"  ;;Comment for schedule #2/2

;--- Create Schedule #1: A simple "silly" schedule --------------------------
<$Schedule "SillySchedule1 - (*Schedule1Comment*)" DATA="CAD_SCHEDULE" JT.EXE=^[INSTALLDIR]JT.EXE^>
   ;--- Task Information ----------------------------------------------------
   WorkingDirectory = "(*INSTALLDIR*)"
   ApplicationName = "%COMSPEC%"
   Parameters = "/C echo %DATE% %TIME%: SillySchedule1 says hello... >> \SillySchedule1.log 2>&1"
   Comment = "This is a comment for the schedule (INSTALLDIR = '(*INSTALLDIR*)')"
   MaxRunTime = 3600000                            ;;1 hour in milliseconds
   KillIfGoingOnBatteries = 0
   SystemRequired = 1

   ;--- Create a trigger (you can create more than one) ---------------------
   Type = Weekly
   TypeArguments = 1,.M.W.F.     ;;Every Monday, Wenesday and Friday
   StartTime = 06:00             ;;6:00am
   MinutesDuration = 600         ;;For 10 hours
   MinutesInterval = 60          ;;Repeated every one hour
   HasEndDate = 0                ;;Never Ends
   EndDate = 00/00/0000
   KillAtDuration = 1            ;;Terminate if still running (after "MinutesDuration")
   Disabled = 0                  ;;Not Disabled

   ;--- Security Info (use system account) ----------------------------------
   /SC "" NULL

The above was an extract from the sample file "TryMeTaskSchedules.MM".


The following example installs "SCHTASKS.EXE". As Windows XP already has this file as you may guess this file would be patched to support Windows 2000 and the target platform is Windows 2000+.

;--- We will include "SCHTASKS.EXE" (required by "SCHEDULE" command) --------
<$Files "schtasks.exe" DestDir="INSTALLDIR">   ;;This assumes target platform may include WIN2000...

;--- Define some data we need -----------------------------------------------
   "INSTALLDIR"    "[INSTALLDIR]"              ;;Want to know the installation directory (could use "FileFind" on WINXP boxes...)
   "Fred"          "FredsValue"                ;;We will refer to this in the schedule name

;--- Define a "silly" schedule ----------------------------------------------
<$Schedule "SillyScheduleBuiltWithSCHTASKS - <$ProdInfo.ProductName> - (*Fred*)" DATA="CAD_SCHEDULE" SCHTASKS.EXE=^[INSTALLDIR]SchTasks.EXE^>
   /SC WEEKLY                              ;;Weekly
   /MO 1                                   ;;Every week
   /D "MON WED FRI"                        ;;Run on these days of the week
   /TR "%COMSPEC% /C echo %DATE% %TIME%: SillyScheduleBuiltWithSCHTASKS >> c:\SillyScheduleBuiltWithSCHTASKS.log 2>&1"
   /ST 06:00:00                            ;;At 6am
   /RU system                              ;;Run under system account


The following is an incomplete example demonstrating the use of the "TweakFunction" parameter:

#(  '<?NewLine>'
    #define TriggerTime         ;;Must contain function of the same name

    function TriggerTime(ClBefore)
        ;--- Work out what time we want to trigger the schedule -------------
        dim TheTime : TheTime = "07:11"

        ;--- Now change the value we have "marked" --------------------------
        dim Marker : Marker = "{TriggerTime}"
        if  instr(ClBefore, Marker) = 0 then
            ;--- Our correct usage validation failed ------------------------
            VbsCaRaiseError "TriggerTime()", "The defined schedule command line did not contain the marker text """ & Marker & """, its value was: " & ClBefore
        end if
        TriggerTime  = replace(ClBefore, Marker, TheTime)
    end function
<$Schedule "SomeSchedule" TweakFunction="TriggerTime" DATA="CAD_SCHEDULE" JT.EXE=^[INSTALLDIR]JT.EXE^>
   ;--- Task Information ----------------------------------------------------

   ;--- Create a trigger ----------------------------------------------------
   StartTime = {TriggerTime}     ;;Value determined at install time

Note that I kept my function simple in the above but I'd normally make good use of "CaDebug()" and other functions to make it easier to detect problems.

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.