MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->MAKEMSI Installs...->Available Frameworks->Validation Suites (create CUB files)->Sample Validation Suite

Sample Validation Suite

The name of the ICE in the following case is "DB1", you can enter this value (UPPER CASE) into the "ORCA" "ICEs to Run" field.

Note that Microsoft's "ICE20" validation can fail and actually prevent all following validations from being run... For this reason we will sequence it last in this example so that if it fails it is last anyway and only prevents itself from running.

For an example please see the "ICE.MM" file which was installed in the MAKEMSI samples directory.

;         $Author:   USER "Dennis"  $
;       $Revision:   1.4  $
;           $Date:   11 Nov 2004 18:09:42  $
;        $Logfile:   C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/  $
;     DESCRIPTION:   Simple demonstration validation
;                    Each ICE block creates its own VBS custom Action.

;--- Some definitions (we will add to the SDK supplied "logo.cub) ---------
#define  TEMPLATE     C:\Program Files\MsiVal2\logo.cub
#define  DESCRIPTION  Validations Plus Custom (by Dennis Bareis)

;--- Make sure that the TEMPLATE exists -------------------------------------
#if FileQueryExists("<$TEMPLATE>") = ''
    #error ^The CUB file "<$TEMPLATE>" doesn't exist!{NL}Have you installed MSIVAL2?^

;--- Include ICE support ----------------------------------------------------
#include "ICE.MMH"

;--- START ------------------------------------------------------------------
<$Msi "<$DESCRIPTION>.CUB" template="<$Template>">

;--- Update some summary Information ----------------------------------------
<$Summary "Author"       Value="Dennis Bareis">
<$Summary "Comments"     Value="<$DESCRIPTION>.">

;--- Make sure there is "room" at the start for all our validations ---------
#define MAX_ICES_TO_ADD         100     ;;The max we will create! Doesn't really matter if we have more (but I want all mine before any other)
#define MAX_VALID_SEQ_NUMBER    32766   ;;This last sequence number (32767) is reserved (by me)
say ""
say "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
<$Table "_ICESequence">
dim OldSeqNumber, NewSeqNumber, ValidationsName
<$Row @Where="" @OK='>0' @Code="Y" *Sequence="NewSeqNumber">
    ;--- Get current sequence number and bump it up -------------------------
    ValidationsName = <$COLSTR._ICESequence.Action>
    OldSeqNumber    = <$COLINT._ICESequence.Sequence>
    NewSeqNumber    = OldSeqNumber + <$MAX_ICES_TO_ADD>

    ;--- If the number is too high then we'll leave it where it is ----------
    say "MOVING: """ & ValidationsName & """ (from " & OldSeqNumber & " to " & NewSeqNumber & ")."
    if  NewSeqNumber < 0 or NewSeqNumber > <$MAX_VALID_SEQ_NUMBER> then
        ;--- Restore value --------------------------------------------------
        NewSeqNumber = OldSeqNumber

        ;--- Tell someone! --------------------------------------------------
        say "        Could not move (max sequence is <$MAX_VALID_SEQ_NUMBER>)"
    end if
say ""

;--- Workaround to ICE20 bug (Move it to end, if it dies, well OK...) -------
<$Table "_ICESequence">
             @Where="Action = 'ICE20'"
          *Sequence="<$MAX_VALID_SEQ_NUMBER>+1"  ;;Original value = 200

;--- First ICE (basically just VBSCRIPT) ------------------------------------
<$Ice "DB1">
   ;--- Output an ERROR "DB102" (location unknown/unspecified) --------------
   IceError   "02", "Oops"

   ;--- Output another error message (ORCA will/can highlight) --------------
   IceError   "71", "Pretend Binary table Issue (no column/row info)!" & IceLocation("Binary", "", "")

   ;--- Check components ----------------------------------------------------

   ;--- We now wish to define subroutines -----------------------------------
   <$IceEndMainline>                  ;;Not required if all in mainline

   sub LookForEmptyComponentKeyPathAndNoCreateFolderEntry()
       ;--- Make sure we have a component table! ----------------------------
       IceDebug("LookForEmptyComponentKeyPathAndNoCreateFolderEntry(START): " & Err.number & " - " & err.description)
       if  Database.TablePersistent("Component") <> 1 then
           IceDebug("There is no ""Component"" table so exiting validation!")
           ;--- Loop through all "Components" -------------------------------
           dim oViewComp, oRecComp
           set oViewComp = IceViewOpen("SELECT `Component`, `Directory_`, `Attributes`, `KeyPath` FROM `Component`")
           if  oViewComp is Nothing then exit sub
               ;--- Get next record, exit at end ----------------------------
               set oRecComp = IceViewFetch(oViewComp)
               if oRecComp is nothing then exit do

               ;--- Process this record -------------------------------------
               if  oRecComp.IsNull(4) then
                   ;--- Have empty keypath (get values) ---------------------
                   dim cComponent, cDirectory, cAttributes, cKeyPath
                   cComponent  = oRecComp.StringData(1)
                   cDirectory  = oRecComp.StringData(2)
                   cAttributes = oRecComp.IntegerData(3)
                   cKeyPath    = oRecComp.StringData(4)
                   IceDebug("Looking at the component """ & cComponent & """")

                   ;--- See if in the "CreateFolder" table ------------------
                   dim InTbl : InTbl = false
                   if  Database.TablePersistent("CreateFolder") <> 1 then
                       IceDebug("There is no ""CreateFolder"" table...")
                       ;--- "CreateFolder" exists so look for entry for the dir ---
                       dim oViewCF, oRecCF
                       set oViewCF = IceViewOpen("SELECT `Directory_`, `Component_` FROM `CreateFolder` WHERE `Directory_` = '" & cDirectory & "'")
                       if  oViewCF is Nothing then exit sub
                       set oRecCF  = IceViewFetch(oViewCF)
                       if  not oRecCF is nothing then
                           InTbl = true
                       end if
                   end if
                   if  not InTbl then
                       IceWarning "11", "Component """ & cComponent & """ has an empty KeyPath and the directory """ & cDirectory & """ is not in the ""CreateFolder"" table." & IceLocation("Component", "KeyPath", cComponent)
                   end if
               end if
       end if

       ;--- End of function -------------------------------------------------
       IceDebug("LookForEmptyComponentKeyPathAndNoCreateFolderEntry(END): " & Err.number & " - " & err.description)
   end sub

;--- END --------------------------------------------------------------------

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
Visit MAKEMSI's Home Page
Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.