BUG: Regular Expression Objects Can't be Created (VBSCRIPT.DLL) |
MAKEMSI has detection code for a Windows bug where regular expression objects can't be created by VBSCRIPT (and probably JSCRIPT). The problem can be solved by a "regsvr32.exe" over the "VBSCRIPT.DLL" file, however this DLL was not unregistered, if it were you wouldn't be able to run script at all, so the registry has been corrupted. Windows "fixes" highly suspected (specifically IE updates).
MAKEMSI does not generally create regular expression objects during the building or updating of an MSI but some of the tools make use of them.
on error resume next PgmVersion = "04.140" set oMask = new RegExp if err.number = 0 then if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then if ucase(Wscript.Arguments(0)) = "SILENT" then wscript.quit(0) Icon = vbInformation Msg = "We are able to create regular expressions, so VBSCRIPT.DLL is probably OK." else Icon = vbCritical Msg = "We could not create a regular expression. Registering ""VBSCRIPT.DLL"" will probably correct this." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Reason: " & err.description end if MsgBox Msg, Icon, "VBSCRIPT.DLL OK? - v" & PgmVersion