MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Tips and Tricks->User Interface Tips->Read Me dialogs (rtf formatted text in scrollable control)

Read Me dialogs (rtf formatted text in scrollable control)

You can put this code into a common header file and then define the name of the file containing the readme in the macro "READMEDLG_TEXT_FILE":

;--- Does the user want a readme dialog (if so they have told us the filename)? ---
    ;--- Define the version number of this tip ------------------------------
    #define READMEDLG_VERSION           10.116

    ;--- Define some defaults -----------------------------------------------
    #define? READMEDLG_TEXT_TITLE       Read Me
    #define? READMEDLG_TEXT_DESCRIPTION Some important information, please read it before continuing...
        ;--- User hasn't defined the "Dialog" commands "INSERT" parameter ---
        #ifdef REMOVED_LicenseAgreementDlg           ;;Only exists if the dialog has been removed...
               #define? READMEDLG_INSERT WelcomeDlg
               #define? READMEDLG_INSERT LicenseAgreementDlg

    ;--- User has specified the name of a readme file so read it into a vbscript string format ---
    #DefineRexx ''
       ;--- Make sure the licence file exists -------------------------------
       @@ReadMeFile = FindFile("<$READMEDLG_TEXT_FILE>")
       if  @@ReadMeFile = '' then
           Error('We could not find the readme file "<$READMEDLG_TEXT_FILE>"');

       ;--- Read the information --------------------------------------------
       call FileClose @@ReadMeFile, 'N';
       @@Text = charin(@@ReadMeFile,1, 999999);
       call FileClose @@ReadMeFile;

       ;--- Create a VB string (including the outer quotes) -----------------
       @@VbStr = ReplaceString(@@Text,  '"',   '""');
       @@VbStr = ReplaceString(@@VbStr, '00'x, ' ');      ;;God knows why the trailing null exists...
       @@VbStr = ReplaceString(@@VbStr, '0D'x, '" & vbCR & "');
       @@VbStr = ReplaceString(@@VbStr, '0A'x, '" & vbLF & "');
       @@VbStr = '"' || @@VbStr || '"'                    ;;Add the outer quotes

    ;--- Create an empty dialog at configured location (but with normal buttons etc) ---

    ;--- Now insert out controls by "hand" (can cheat by copying from other dialogs) ---
    <$Table "Control">
        ;--- Add the readme control ---------------------------------------------
                      *Text=^<??@@VbStr>^           ;;Use the VBSCRIPT string we created above
               Control_Next="Back"                  ;;Finish the control chain ("BannerBitmap" points there now, fixed below)

        ;--- The "ReadMeDlg" started "empty" so "BannerBitmap" points to "Back" ---
        ;---     * We will need to point it to our first control                ---
        ;---     * Our last control needs to point to "Back"                    ---
                     @Where="`Dialog_` = 'ReadMeDlg' AND `Control` = 'BannerBitmap'"
               Control_Next="ReadMeRtfText"      ;;Previous value = Back, this points to the first control we add to the empty dialog

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.