The "IniFile" Command |
This command begins the definition of a set of INI file updates which ends when the "/IniFile" command is encountered.
Note that if you have an existing INI file it could be imported with the "IniImport" command.
Associated commands that you will use are:
The macro takes these parameters:
Windows installer requires an "8.3" name, if you wish to supply a specific value then preceed the long filename with the 8.3 name followed by a "|", if this is not done then MAKEMSI will create one for you if required.
Main INI Related Options |
Please see the "options for commands" section of the manual.
#define? DEFAULT_INI_HOW ADD_OR_UPDATE ;;Default for "HOW" parameter #define? DEFAULT_INI_ROWKEY_PREFIX MmIni ;;Key prefix for "IniFile" table entry #define? DEFAULT_INI_DOCO Y ;;"N" = Don't add to doco (by default) #define? INI_VALUE_NULL_PROPERTY IniValueIsNull ;;"" to generate an error message or name of a NON-EXISTING property (so "[property]" evaluates to "")
<$Component "INI" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR" LM="Y"> <$IniFile "Dennis.INI" DIR="D:\DBAREIS\PROJECTS\Win32\MakeMsi\OUT"> <$IniSection "Section1"> <$Ini "Key11" Value="Value11"> <$Ini "Key12" Value="Value12"> <$/IniSection> <$IniSection "Section2"> <$Ini "Key21" Value="Value21"> <$Ini "Key22" Value="Value22"> <$/IniSection> <$/IniFile> <$/Component>