MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Source Code->Configuration / Options->HTML Report->Include MSI Tables

Include MSI Tables

Rather than take the time to write specific reports for things that MAKEMSI doesn't currently display in its generated documentation, you can tell MAKEMSI to dump specific tables.

"MsiDiff.VBS" is used to dump the requested tables, all tables with at least one row are dumped.

The following shows the default configuration:

;--- General options --------------------------------------------------------
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TABLES            ServiceInstall ServiceControl
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_MSIDIFF_NAME      <??*MSIDIFF_DIR?>MsiDiff.VBS             ;;Empty to disable
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_MSIDIFF_SWITCHES                                           ;;/NoSort perhaps
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_FMT               D                                        ;;D=Decimal or H=HEX (DEFAULT - can be overriden for specific columns)
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_BUTTON_STYLE      background-color:#C8D6F3;                ;;Button look
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_BUTTON_PREFIX                                              ;;Button text
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_BUTTON_SUFFIX     <?Space>Table                            ;;Button text
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_HEADING_PREFIX    MSI Table &quot;                         ;;Heading text
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_HEADING_SUFFIX    &quot;                                   ;;Heading text
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT_BEFORE_SQLTYPE SQL:<?Space>                             ;;In tooltip
#(  ''
    ;--- Defines what we want to do if MSIDIFF.VBS not found ----------------

    ;--- Display a warning for this -----------------------------------------
    #info ^Could not find: "<$HTMLMSITABLE_MSIDIFF_NAME>"!^
    ;#warning ^HTMLRPT01^ ^Could not find: "<$HTMLMSITABLE_MSIDIFF_NAME>"!^
#( ''
    ;--- Defines what we want to do if MSIDIFF.VBS reports an error ---------

    ;--- Display a warning for this -----------------------------------------
    #warning ^HTMLRPT02^  ^{$Text}^

;--- Some fields are relatively meaningless in isolation (Y=SHOW, N=Don't Show) ---
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_SHOW.ServiceInstall.ServiceInstall  N
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_SHOW.ServiceControl.ServiceControl  N

;--- How to display INTEGER values of specific columns (H=HEX, D=DECIMAL) ---
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_FMT.ServiceControl.Event            H
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_FMT.ServiceInstall.ServiceType      H
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_FMT.ServiceInstall.StartType        H
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_FMT.ServiceInstall.ErrorControl     H

;--- Any MSI table descriptions for specific tables -------------------------
    #define? HTMLMSITABLE_HTML_ABOVE_TABLE.ServiceInstall
    <p>This table is used to install Windows Services.
    #define? HTMLMSITABLE_HTML_ABOVE_TABLE.ServiceControl
    <p>This table is used to start, stop or delete Windows Services during
    installation or uninstallation.

;--- Any MSI column descriptions for specific tables/Columns ----------------
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.*.Component_                This is a reference (foreign key) into the &quot;Component&quot; table.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceControl.Name         The ID of the system service.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceControl.Event        Indicates whether you want to stop, start or delete the service and when.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceControl.Arguments    Any parameters to the service EXE.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceControl.Wait         1=Wait, 0=No Wait (0 can cause problems)
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceInstall.Name         The ID of the system service.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceInstall.DisplayName  What the user will see.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceInstall.ServiceType  What type of service?
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceInstall.Description  The service description the user will see.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceInstall.Dependencies Services this service relies on.
#define? HTMLMSITABLE_TT.ServiceInstall.StartName    User name.

The following shows the "hooks" that are available:


Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
Visit MAKEMSI's Home Page
Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.