MAKEMSI Installs...
Available Frameworks
Validation Suites (create CUB files)
Functions - ICE
This command is used to indicate produce an error type message in the MSI being validated. In the possibly odd situation where the issue may be acceptable the creator of the MSI can always use the "MsiValFilter" command to filter out the message (within MAKEMSI).
This function takes these parameters:
- This is an ICE message code suffix which is appended to the prefix supplied earlier by the enclosing "Ice" command.
- This is the text of the message.
For best use in "ORCA" (error highlighting and navigation) it is recommemded that the results of a call to the "IceLocation()" function be appended to your message!
Any formatting characters in the text are replaced so that the message when displayed looks exactly as passed (MSI formatting is disabled). Begin the text with the "magic" code of "[]:" to allow formatting to take place.