MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->MAKEMSI Installs...->Available Frameworks->Create New MSI Installers->Preferred MSI Interface for Building a Complete MSI->Department and Company Headers->DEPT.MMH


See "Preferred MSI Interface for Building a Complete MSI" for more details...

In general you should not include this header file directly by your scripts, see "DENNIS.MMH" for an example of how it should be used.

;        $Author:   USER "Dennis"  $
;      $Revision:   1.12  $
;          $Date:   07 May 2005 09:10:04  $
;       $Logfile:   C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/DEPT.mmh.pvcs  $
;      COPYRIGHT:   (C)opyright Dennis Bareis, Australia, 2003
;                   All rights reserved.
; Note that this header is one of the few intended to be "replaced".
; It has however been written so physical altering or deleting of this
; file should not be required.
; There are many options, some are:
;       1. Ignore this file altogether, create your own front end with
;          different filenames so as not to clash.
;       2. Modify this file BUT if you do so you should move it to a
;          different directory so as not be be deleted ALONG WITH YOUR
;          CHANGES on a MAKEMSI uninstall!
;       3. Create a new header that overrides some things but still includes
;          this one.
; Let me know of any issues.

;--- Define Version number of this install support --------------------------
   ;--- Die, already included -----------------------------------------------
   #error ^You have already included "<?InputComponent>"^
#define  DEPT_VERSION   03.171

;--- Obsolete values (don't use!) -------------------------------------------

;--- Define some Department details -----------------------------------------
#define? DEPT_NAME                       Packaging Are Us
#define? DEPT_ADDRESS                    Australia
#define? DEPT_MSI_AUTHOR                 <$DEPT_NAME>
#define? COMPANY_CONTACT_NAME            Fred Nerk
#define? COMPANY_CONTACT_NAME_PHONE      (03)1234-5678
#define? COMPANY_PACKAGED_BY             Packaged by <$DEPT_NAME> (<$DEPT_ADDRESS>).

;--- Define the types of boxes your department/company supports -------------

       ;--- User must override... -------------------------------------------
       <$Platform "WINDOWS_ALL" DESC=^On any Windows Computer^ PLATDIR=AnyWindowsComputer">
       <$Platform "TEST"        DESC=^Testing (NOT SUPPORTED)^ PLATDIR="Testing-Unsupported">

;--- Load MAKEMSI support ---------------------------------------------------
#NextId PUSH
   #include "COMPANY.MMH"
#NextId POP

;--- Make sure we record details about this header --------------------------
<$SourceFile Version="<$DEPT_VERSION>">

;--- Start "location" status information (if allowed) -----------------------
<$LocationVerboseOn>            ;;Outputs messages during length processing (to prove it hasn't hung etc)

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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[Top][Contents][Prev]: Department and Company Headers[Next]: COMPANY.MMH

MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
Visit MAKEMSI's Home Page
Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.