MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Source Code->Commands->ComponentFind

The "ComponentFind" Command

This command is used to find a component, if found the keypath directory is returned. Frequently used as a launch condition and also to determine an installation directory.

You would do this either to determine whether a particular product was installed or to determine where it (at least the component) installed (you may need to reference a file or install some files in the same location).

As the search is done via the "AppSearch" table entry, you may wish to modify the sequencing of this action.

You will need to examine the product's MSI using "ORCA" to obtain the component GUID and TYPE values (by examination of the "Component" table). If you don't have access to the original MSI (but it is installed) then you could look at the copy Windows Installer has cached (in "C:\Windows\Installer").

This command takes these parameters:


In the following we will display a message if we can't find the required product (assume if Component installed, the product is).

#define MM_PATCH_COMPGUID {1634B63A-34AF-4B31-A38A-E3D383B4E8BC}    ;;Patch.MMH (in ONE version of the MAKEMSI package!)
            Message="The correct version ( of Product X is not installed."

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.