MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Source Code->Commands


"MAKEMSI" commands are implemented as "PPWIZARD" macros and become available for use after "MAKEMSI.MMH" has been processed. I am very open to suggestions for new commands or altering existing commands to make them more usable (while maintaining backwards compatability if possible), so email me any suggestions!

You should read the "command parameters" section to be sure you understand the syntax and requirements for supplying parameters to commands. I'd also recommend that you read the "options for commands" and "useful macros" sections of the manual. Some MAKEMSI commands or features use regular expressions.

Supported commands are:

  1. AbortIf
  2. Access
  3. AccessApply
  4. Adsi and /Adsi
  5. Binary
  6. Cabinet and /Cabinet
  7. CodePage
  8. Column
  9. Component and /Component
  10. Component?
  11. ComponentFind
  12. ComPlusApp and /ComPlusApp
  13. ComPlusComp
  14. ComPlusCompUpdate and /ComPlusCompUpdate
  15. ComPlusProperty
  16. ComPlusRole
  17. ComPlusExport
  18. Dialog and /Dialog
  19. DialogEntry
  20. DialogPreview
  21. DialogRemove
  22. Directory
  23. DirectoryCompress
  24. DirectoryTree
  25. DllCa
  26. DllCa-C and /DllCa-C
  27. DllCaEntry and /DllCaEntry
  28. DllCaEntry?
  29. Environment
  30. EventLogCustomView
  31. EventLogSource
  32. ExeCa
  33. Extn and /Extn
  34. ExtnAction
  35. Feature and /Feature
  36. Feature?
  37. File
  38. FileComment and /FileComment
  39. Files
  40. FilesExclude
  41. FilesExcludeClear
  42. FilesInZip
  43. FileFind
  44. FileFindInListedDirs
  45. FileMake and /FileMake
  46. FileMakeIgnore and /FileMakeIgnore
  47. FolderIcon
  48. Guid
  49. HookInto
  50. HtmlDirTable
  51. Icon
  52. Ini
  53. IniFile and /IniFile
  54. IniSection and /IniSection
  55. IniImport
  56. JsCa and /JsCa
  57. JsCaSetup
  58. MacroCfg and /MacroCfg
  59. MajorUpgrade
  60. MapUserDir
  61. MergeModule
  62. MSI and /MSI
  63. MsiExtraFiles
  64. MsiValFilter
  65. Path
  66. Platform
  67. ProductFind
  68. ProductValidation
  69. Property
  70. PropertyCa
  71. PropertyList
  72. Registry
  73. RegistryComment and /RegistryComment
  74. RegistryImport
  75. RegistryRead
  76. RemoveFile
  77. Row and /Row
  78. RowsDelete
  79. RowsDeleteAll
  80. RunCmd and /RunCmd
  81. Schedule and /Schedule
  82. SelfRegister
  83. ServiceControl
  84. ServiceInstall
  85. Shortcut
  86. SourceFile
  87. Summary
  88. Table and /Table
  89. TableCreate
  90. TableDefinition and /TableDefinition
  91. TableDelete
  92. TableExportToIdt
  93. TableImportFromIdt
  94. Transform
  95. VBS and /VBS
  96. VbsCa and /VbsCa
  97. VbsCaEntry and /VbsCaEntry
  98. VbsCaSetup
  99. WrapInstall

Depending on how you wish to use MAKEMSI you either need very little or a lot of Windows Installer knowledge, I recommend you obtain and use "MSI.CHM". While I don't wish to duplicate documention, the official Microsoft doco is pretty bad (or at least not designed to teach) and so I will document basic information that you should know (or may be useful when debugging problems) in the "windows installer basics" section of this manual.


Other framework specific (less generic commands) are documented elsewhere:

  1. Validation Suite Creation Commands
  2. Merge Module Related Commands

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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[Top][Contents][Prev]: Unnamed Parameters[Next]: #DATA for Commands

MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.